Sunday, July 30, 2006

Picking Stephen Nash's (AKA "Playboy") Brains

After a 6-hour day of one-on-one consultation with Stephen Nash AKA "Playboy" from Neil's "The Game," and I got a chance to ask him A LOT of questions regarding attraction, skills, Project Hollywood, inner game, etc. What's great about Stephen is he is really knowledgeable, really knows what he's talking about, has a lot of great stories about Project Hollywood, and the most important of all - the authenticity and genuinity to tell you everything you ask him. This won't be review of his 1-on-1 Afternoon Consultations and about his CEIC but I will be talking about a few tidbits about what I learned from him. I'll be posting that soon and it will be lengthy and It'll be everything I got out of him. It's always good to be around guys like him because he knows a lot about women you'll learn soo much from him in such a short time and what's really GREAT about him is he will point you to the right direction of ATTRACTING the woman you really want.

What's awesome about Stephen is he taught in a more SOCRATIC way, meaning instead of giving you exactly the right answer, he would ask you about what you thought first and steered you towards the right answer. A lot of people (and I do this too) is we want instant answers and most of the time we don't really think ourselves. Good mentors really enhance students how to find the answers themselves, which leads to better, smarter, and more creative students. Stephen really cared and really pointed me in the right direction of getting what I want out of dating and my life, by asking the right questions and showing me the way to the right answer. Sometimes, I didn't like his answers but I knew that he was right.

"What you really want to get is a girlfriend, yet as of right now you're having a string of one-night stands, so chances are you're not going to be getting one sooner." Stephen says, after quoting himself from a past client to give me an example. "You might not like the answer I'm giving you right now, but truthfully you are going to have to accept it to get what you want."

So to my readers and to the seduction community, I present to you answers to Frequently Asked Questions by men new to dating.

Me: I really don't know what I want out of this. I've been in it for a year and I'm in the middle of whether I want to be a PUA or just have a girlfriend. It really bothers and confuses the hell out of me.
Stephen: Would you accept the fact that you are confused and you don't know what you want to allow yourself the freedom to try out new things?

Me: If the Woman is attracted, do I still run anymore Attract material?
Stephen: No, drop the material if she is attracted. Just be playful so that the interaction isn't boring.

Me: Do You think it's necessary to do MM/RSD tactics like takeaways, timed body language movements, etc.?
Stephen: What do you think? Do you think a woman of high-caliber will really believe that you are disinterested or interested by timing all of your movements and doing takeaways? Don't you think she will smell your falsity?

Me: Do you think it's necessary to hide our insecurities?
Stephen: No, instead of conquering insecurity, accept it. You can't win against insecurity because we will always have it. You may not like it, but we're just people. Don't hold it back. Even revealing your own insecurities can actually make a connection and it shows that you have integrity and a genuine person.

Me: Can I call a girl's phone number the day I get her phone number?
Stephen: Sure, why not. Invite her to a party with a bunch of your friends to show you are social.

Me: Can I set up a day 2 with a girl the next day I get her phone number?
Stephen: Sure, but keep in mind though that the next day you two are "hanging out with your friends" and she is welcome to come along.

Me: What does qualifying Yourself exactly mean?
Stephen: Qualifying means you talking about all the proud things about your life such as I own a bike shop, I'm the no.1 soccer player in my high school team, etc.
Me: But while I was baiting to this girl, I felt like I was qualifying myself. I was adding details about my life but she wasn't asking me questions about them and she just stood there even though she was attracted to me. What am I doing wrong?
Stephen: The real reason why you think you are doing something wrong is because you thought that she wasn't interested in the little details you were adding. It doesn't mean that she wasn't interested in what you were saying, it means she wasn't interested in those little details which doesn't mean anything. If you know she's attracted it just means those little details you were talking about weren't at all her interest.

Me: Is it really necessary to spark a high buying temperature?
Stephen: What does "spike buying temperature" mean to you - what do you mean when you say this? A The idea of spiking buying temperature, in short, means to flirt/tease into a state of laughter and intrigue - I assume that is what you mean. In our lexicon, it is in the hook phase - which really means that they are more interested in having you stay than leave. My experience with BT is that they are very engaged with the conversation, but that by no means increases your chances of a date - and I've seen this happen to others too. Spiking BT makes the PUA feel good, and the girls temporarily, but oddly enough it rarely translates to actual dates. Your goal is to just be flirtatious and funny enough - too much laughing/giggling nonsense instantly means the "player card" which you don't want.

Me: Is it really necessary to learn routines?
Stephen: If you aren't comfortable flirting, then by all means grab a few funny routines/lines/gimmicks to lean on to teach you the SKILL.

This is all I can come up with for now. It's 3:50 AM in the morning and my brain is fried. Hopefully this information is very helpful to you all.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Naturals Clearly Defined

I just got off the phone with a friend who is a natural but also is part of the community. When I first met him and he's only been in the community for a few months, I knew that this guy got laid. How did I know? From pure observation, he conveys lots and lots of positive, confident, laid back energy. I saw the same exact energy from Lance Mason, outgoing, confident, positive, laid back, you could almost feel it and grasp it.

You knew that they got laid just by seeing it in their face! I also have a coworker whom I knew the minute I started talking to him was a natural. He had the european, masculine, sexy vibe (I'm not turning gay, at least not yet : ) and it radiated from the way he spoke, his actions, etc. These guys are just truly confident of themselves, they are loud, they don't give a fuck what people think about what they say, when their confidence is tested they exude even more confidence, they convey and lots of personality, but most of all they really really demonstrate the "I Don't give a FUCK" personality.

Gentlemen, this is where YOU want to be. It doesn't mean that you say "I don't give a fuck" it means speak loudly, masculinely, and when you get tested think of it as a small bump in the road. Guys, REAL naturals are the ones that are truly on top of the social ladder, they are the ones that put the social pressure, and they have social skills to maintain it. This is what we're working on here in the PUAdom. To become a complete Natural.

Flaunt your masculinity. Don't worry too much about peacocking, just dress nicely with an identity congruent with the one you are trying to build or is congruent with. BE somebody. Secondly, I also noticed that people that tend to try hard is trying to be congruent with a personality that they are not adjusted to. I can totally understand if you are trying to become masculine, sexy, playful, fun, flirty, and upbeat, (which is essential in attracting women) but if you are trying to take on a frame that's not congruent with you, DON'T DO IT. Period.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Real Reason Why She is Going To Like You

When first I entered the seduction community, I was totally clueless how to attract a woman. I think most guys that join the community feel short or clueless just like I did and is really in search for the holy grail to attraction. I don't think many guys came here to first learn how to 'Seduce' a woman, I assume most men are looking to 'attract' a woman. Secondly, I don't think most guys came here looking to get LAID all the time, I think most guys that joined the community are looking for a girlfriend of their dreams just like I did. Until of course, we became intoxicated/consumed by the power we think we are about to gain once we started absorbing tons and tons of attraction/pu lines and techniques.

Until I came to the realization, with the help from guys like DJ, Playboy, and Mike2velli, that all of these things are totally unecessarry. If you are still reading tons and tons of material that's going to give you lines, gimmicks, routines, etc, then you are only holding back your Evolution and real Development of interests, which are really what you have to cultivate to become an attractive man.

I remember spending soo much time reading and listening to so much material and I trying out so many systems that it never really helped me evolve until one day I burnt out and told myself to f' all of it and work on my natural game.

After looking back from my past experiences and what I Consider my best pick ups, I realized they all felt very natural, and all I did was a display of my confidence, masculinity, being fun/playful, hinting sexuality, baiting personality, and building REAL connections. I even felt comfortable asking questions, but before, everytime I asked a question, I felt I was under the impression I was seeking rapport, which is considered totally AFC in the Seduction Community.

Guys, attracting women isn't all that difficult. What's difficult is becoming an attractive man. An attractive man is one that lives a life full of positive emotions, that isn't afraid to flaunt his masculinity and sexuality, and demonstrates his presence by radiating his confidence and personality. You can think of all the techniques you want, but underneath all of that, if you don't have the masculinity, confidence, and personality, all the gimmicks, routines, and techniques will fall flat in front of you.....

Saturday, July 08, 2006



My name is Sir Galahad, and if you ever wonder why I call myself this name, is it's because I like his personality. During the Medieval days, Sir Galahad was considered one of the "Perfect Knight" since many thought he was perfect in "courage, gentleness, courtesy, and chivalry." After analyzing Zan and Stephen's character, I found that these men carry these very same characteristic traits, and these men walk in the world surrounded by beauty. I have met Stephen personally, and bar none he is one of the most AUTHENTIC, GENUINE persons I have ever met.

My goal in this blog is to tell the tale of my adventures and experiences in search of the "Holy Grail" to Seduction. I am tailoring my own style and personality to one like Stephen and Zan, because I truly believe these men have REAL CHARACTER, and they are truly the most genuine people I have ever seen. I have never met Zan personally, but I've seen and liked his presentation on CLiff's list. I have met Stephen Nash (AKA "Playboy from the Game") and I really love listening to his philosophies on how to become a truly ATTRACTIVE man. He is going to give a speech tomorrow in New York for the NY-PLAY lair and I am going to write details on it so no one can miss this out. I also have his Natural Attraction Audio and have taken a one-on-one Afternoons with him so please look out for those reviews in the future.

I've been involved the seduction community for almost about a year now, and I've been in and out of it as I first have been focusing on reaching my goals and building an abundant lifestyle. I truly believe to attract the woman of your dreams, you must have the SAME qualities the woman of your dreams have. Therefore, I've been building myself up ground up first, and then start to actively pursue women. Since it's the summer time for me (I'm a college student), I've been going out in the field with my wings and try to learn the art of attraction altogether.

When it comes to my philosophy of ATTRACTION, I am none-believer on canned, and/or structured game. My whole persona is against it since I like to be GENUINE, AUTHENTIC, and just to be MYSELF when it comes to interacting with women (or people, generally speaking). Canned material is GREAT as learning crutches to smoothen out your interactions, but I instead (thanks to Stephen) look at canned material as a taste of skill. I first look at a routine and think about what social skills are in play. I think with that frame, you unleash your CREATIVITY and REAL social skills in the field. Overall, I try to focus on building SOCIAL SKILLS instead of reading, writing, and remembering routines (It's a lot more work IMO). Overall there are six social skills to master to become the "NEO" of the "SOCIAL MATRIX:"


Once mastered, girls will perceive you as one of the smoothest men on Earth. And this is totally without the need of any routines, gimmicks, or magic tricks to fool women to like you. Personally, I think it's a lot harder to achieve building up skill without using any routines, but I'm ready to fail because my true goal is just to be "MYSELF" around the women I'm actively pursuing. I would admit that I still have approach anxiety since it's LONG time since I've been consistently doing this, but once I unleash that approach machine and confident guy again, there's no stopping me building up my skills.